Binding Theme: Fibonacci spiral

When viewed together, the geometric patterns in both photos create a visual relationship reminiscent of the Fibonacci sequence, forming a spiral. The circles of the beehive structure transition seamlessly into the straight lines of the Oculus roof, blending into a cohesive visual narrative. This integration emphasizes the interconnectedness of different geometric forms and the beauty of their harmonious coexistence.

The spiral formed by combining these two photos also reflects the idea of growth and progression, inherent in the Fibonacci sequence. This relationship between the organic and the structured, the circular and the linear, creates a powerful visual metaphor for the duality present in both natural and man-made wonders.


The photo captures the inside of the beehive architectural structure at Hudson Yards in New York. The perfect circles and the intricate, layered design create a sense of depth and geometric harmony.


The top of Oculus building at the World Trade Center in New York resembles eyelashes pointing upwards. The architectural design creates a striking visual effect, emphasizing the elegance and precision of the structure.


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