
The balance of black and white, evil and good, shadow and light, external chaos and internal piece. 


Each and every one of us understands, feels and reacts to chaos and order differently as we do with light and dark in the unconscious and how we examine or address opposites and their coexistence and interaction in our physical and mental human world.


Immanuel Kant examines the duality between the world, as we are taught to perceive it and the existence and presences of things that do exist independently of anyone’s perception. As a tree does. It’s there. We all see the same tree, we interpret it differently but the tree is just the tree regardless of our ways of looking at it or perceptions.


Throughout history and arts, duality has been a profound key element for discussions open to constructive dialectic approaches to everything that show or hide the duality.

Exhibition held at the Warehouse by IT Quarter on 19th & 20th October 2024

Beyond magination and limitless interpretation 


curated by Stefanos Kouratzis ↵

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